Student Health
- Medications should not be sent to school with students.
- If your child requires medication to be given during school hours, then a medication authorization form must be completed and medications must be brought in the original container by a responsible adult. This policy includes over the counter medications. Unused medications must be picked up by an adult.
- If your child has needed to use an inhaler any time in the last year, then provide one to be kept in the health office for use at school.
- In some cases it is appropriate for middle or high school students to carry emergency medications such as inhalers or epipens. Your child’s doctor must provide written permission for them to carry medication.
- Send in new contact numbers as soon as possible for parents and emergency contacts.
- Students with fever (> 100.1F), cough, vomiting in the last 24 hours, nausea, drainage from eyes, diarrhea, sore throat, ear pain or any other symptoms of contagious illness should not attend school.
- Please notify the school nurse if your child experiences a head injury or is diagnosed with a concussion. NEAAAT Return to Learn Policy
252-562-0653 ext. 103